To blog or not to blog?:That is the question!

As I have said before this is my first experience in the blogosphere ..
However, I think I have started to develop my general opinion about blogs.
My first impressions are positive!
Blogging seems to be a critical part of the learning process.It improves knowledge acquisition and helps to cement a concept in my mind.
Moreover, it gives me a permanent record of my thought process: when I need to come back to that information, I find it there on the Web, waiting for me...
I think that the act of writing a blog post could help to crystallize my understanding about some topics. Before posting something ,my thoughts on that topic are usually disconnected and scattered. After writing them, I find that my thinking has become something more precise and concrete.
Writing forces me to formulate an opinion and articulate ir in a coherent manner and to think critically about an idea.
Each time I post, it's a challenge to be creative and to come up with something that I think people will actually enjoy reading.
Furthermore, I love the tangible sense of community in the blogging world and I enjoy actively partecipating in. Anybody can write or comment on what has written another blogger: blogs allow a broad non-technical audience to publish news, information and opinions widely.
I'm excited that there are so many bloggers who are going to read what you think. For me this exchange of opinions and ideas is a very appealing part of being a member of this public circle of people!!
I think that before you start blogging, you should ask yourself: "Will my blog add something to my knowledge or is it just for fun?"..Well, answer to this question is: both things.
In fact, in my opinion, writing and above all reading blogs offers the important opportunity to deal with English language, or better colloquial English language. Sometimes it could be difficult to understand -especially because there are many colloquialisms and idiomatic expressions-but it is extremely useful!! There is not only formal English...: we should be aware that this global (maybe I should say globish!) language is always "in progress" thecnology itself!!
Finally I would like to share with you (because I think this is what good bloggers have to do)some few lines ,which I've found on the Web.
They could answer to a simple question:"What do you think a blog is?"
I like this simile..
"A blog is like watching life from a log floating down in the river. You can look at what's ahead, glance to either side or contemplate what you've already passed".
Source: http://
That's all for the moment
At 6:39 AM,
Sarah said…
Dear Annalisa,
Here is the focus on language we did in class. Let me know what your corrections were.
Recommended Checklist: pronoun usage, prepositions, vocabulary
Mistakes: cement a concept in my mind (?); crystallize; participating in; has written another blogger (word order); what you think; it could be difficult; answer to
At 2:39 AM,
Annalisa said…
Dear Sarah,
These are my corrections:
1.Fix a concept in my mind (like crystallize I've found the verb cement in this idiomatic meaning but I prefer to change it)
3.taking part in
4...another blogger has written
5.What's a blog? (sorry but I wasn't able to correct this mistake..can you help me?) can be difficult
7.answer-without any prepositions (sorry but I've realized I made this mistake again when I wrote the notes of social bookmarks)
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