Monday, March 19, 2007

Intercultural Competence

Unfortunately , this week I didn't have my second Skype Exchange because I had a lecture of Medieval English Literature. So I'm going to Skype next week..

Meanwhile, we started considering a new topic: intercultural competence or rather, the ability of successful communication with people of other cultures. We did some reading about this subject in order to understand:
1.What is intercultural competence?
2.Why is it so important?

After reading some typical examples of cultural differences, we had the opportunity to do a questionnaire called YOGA , a sort of self-evaluation guide in order to assess our intercultural communicative competence.(ICC).
I have to admit that it was not so easy to evaluate myself , my awareness of how a specific context affects my interaction with others or how I am perceived by a native of the host culture as communicator, mediator of intercultural situations.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult to reach the three requirements to be an effective, sensitive and self-concious mediator:
1-Knowledge about other cultures, people, nations..
2.Empathy.understanding feelings and needs of other people.
3.Self-confidence: knowing what I want, my strenghts and weaknesses.

I think that nowadays intercultural competence is essential in order to live in a multiracial society like ours and it helps understanding others and achieving goals.
Besides the awareness of the existence of different cultural characteristics, I believe it is important the willingness to understand and interact with members of the host culture. And what it is more important it 's that the host culture but also the guest culture have to
RESPECT each other.


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